About Procreate Coffee
Who Are We?
We are an independent and unaffiliated barista training resource offering you unbiased coffee classes in Brooklyn. We listen to you and help you discover great coffee roasters to partner with for your coffee shop or business.
Join Our Barista Network
With our community, you have endless opportunities to learn — whether it's through getting tips from our pros or sharing barista experiences with other students. Continue to grow and network by joining our free Barista Network.
Your Wave Coffee
Not third wave. Your wave. The focus is on your progress as a student. We are sincerely committed to helping each student reach their goals and our classes are for everyone - not just coffee purists!
Join Our Barista Network!
Community is at the core of all coffee experiences! We now have a space for you to build relationships with other Procreate Coffee students, get career advice or everyday coffee tips from our pros, and continue to grow through the power of our network.